Cannula Portfolio…

… inserting quality, infusing value

Safe and effective… with no change to technique

AVAILABLE NOW to order directly or through your NHS Supply Chain Catalogue.

Combining innovative design with exceptional quality, Rocialle Healthcare is proud to bring you a comprehensive portfolio of Peripheral Intravenous Cannula (PIVC) that achieves the highest standards of reliability to help protect you and your patients.

Including passive safety technology with fail-safe, needle-stick prevention features, we offer a range of easy-to-use products to maximise clinical outcomes without the need for extra training and with no change to your existing technique.

Choosing the right cannula for your requirements…

To help make your ordering and product selection easier, all of our cannula are colour coded with the size specifications clearly marked.  Below is a guide to indicate typical usage, and if you’ve ever got any queries our team of product experts are here to assist.

Cannula ColourCannula GaugeTypical Flow RateCannula LengthTypical Usage
ColourOrangeGauge14GTypical Flow Rate270ml/min
Length45mmTypical UsageMainly used in:
  • Trauma, high risk Surgery
  • For rapid infusion, of whole blood, blood components or viscous fluids
ColourGreyGauge16GTypical Flow Rate200ml/min
Length45mmTypical UsageMainly used in:
  • Trauma, or surgery when high volume fluids required quickly
  • For rapid infusion, of whole blood, blood components or viscous fluids
ColourWhiteGauge17GTypical Flow Rate140ml/min
Length45mmTypical UsageMainly used in:
  • Significant amount fluids/blood required at high volumes
  • For infusing blood transfusion quickly
ColourGreenGauge18GTypical Flow Rate85ml/min
Length32mmTypical UsageMainly used in:
  • Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
  • Large volume of crystalloid fluids
ColourPinkGauge20GTypical Flow Rate55ml/min
Length32mmTypical UsageMainly used in:
  • Multi-purpose
  • For hydration IV medication, blood sampling
ColourBlueGauge22GTypical Flow Rate33ml/min
Length25mmTypical UsageMainly used in:
  • Chemotherapy, elderly patients, Paediatrics, slow infusions
ColourYellowGauge24GTypical Flow Rate18ml/min
Length19mmTypical UsageMainly used in:
  • Short-term infusions
  • Frail patients, elderly patients, paediatric patients
ColourPurpleGauge26GTypical Flow Rate15ml/min
Length19mmTypical UsageMainly used in:
  • Paediatric – neonates

Nusaf Safety IV Catheter

Featuring fail-safe, fully automatic, needle-stick prevention technology that provides clinicians with fully protection from the risk of injuries and the transmission of blood-borne pathogens, Nusaf is a safe and effective, straight Peripheral IV Cannula that requires no change to technique and no requirement for further training.

A complete bundle of care…

In addition to your IV catheters and cannula, we also offer fully comprehensive range of IV dressings, consumables and other essential items. Below are some of our customer favourites and you can find our full range here.


Find out more…

For a FREE, no-obligation discussion about your IV care plans, simply complete and submit our registration form.

We’ll then get in touch to arrange a product and service offering that is tailored to your exact requirements.